Saturday, December 11, 2010

Back in Perth, so let's go to the Zoo

No posts for a month! Although in my defense I was with my main blog audience for 2 weeks of that :) So after a great trip back to the UK it was straight back into life back in Perth with work full tilt and trying to organise the last bits for the kitchen (which has been dragging on too long).

But the week went by very quickly and I had a week away over east planned through work. So before that J and I wanted to get out somewhere different and realised we still hadn't been to the Zoo here in Perth. We had heard some good reports and the weather was a balmy 25 on the sunday, so off we popped to see the animals. It was a fun afternoon and we seemed to be very lucky with all the exhibits and see all the animals doing their thing with our favourites being the Orangutan and Tazzy devil - see my picasa albums for all the photos :)
Can you guess which is my foot or my hand...