Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Trees at night

Awesome photo taken by Mr Duffy "senior" whilst in Sharm a few weeks ago. I just loved the colour contrast and sense of movement, so thought it deserved featuring on my world famous blog...and provides an easy post subject. Thanks Dad :)
Tried to link to your Picasa picture, but easier to upload!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Let's just take the kitchen floor up ready for the new laminate...

Oh, if only it was that easy! The top "new" lino was up in 10 minutes, then we discovered the "old" 80's style lino was glued VERY WELL to the concrete floor... So 10 hours later, we're still scraping away and finally finished today thanks to my new tool, the broom sized floor scrapper (didn't even know they existed until I went to Bunnings looking for anything to make the job easier).

But in the end the actual painting of the skirting boards wasn't so bad after that and ripping up the carpet rails(not needed with laminate going in the lounge too) or whatever they're officially called?!?

So that's why not been blogging too much on weekends as painting, painting and then this fun weekend has taken up most of our time over the last few weeks. But finished soon (this part anyway) and and already looks much better.

And makes me think I was right all those years in not buying a house sooner....people who do this just to sell houses on for a profit MUST BE BARKING!!! Just my opinion :)

Updated photos of the ongoing improvements and saga are on the Picasa site.

On a plus note, did get out for an hour to surf last weekend and actually "rode" my first wave which was pretty cool, although Janice wasn't there so can't verify it and I don't have a photo, so I can hardly remember it. I assure you it did happen!