Although this "self feeding" also leads to some messy moments, hence being fed outside sometimes :)
I think I missed my mouth? |
The ramblings of Phil, Janice and little Logan about life here in Perth, WA
I think I missed my mouth? |
In just the last few days Logan has started taking a first few steps....mostly from one piece of furniture to the next and been a bit quick to be captured on video yet, but it starts! Good job were both trying to get fit for this mud rush race in August, as think life is about to get more hectic :)
And he is really trying to talk properly too although mostly only "phil-type" noises, you can tell he wants to tell you things. Pretty funny until it turns into whining...
And to complete the post a photo on the beach with his new bucket and spades.
Worrying about small daily problems seem not so important when you hear about terrible events like the Boston marathon bombing today!
Then that got me thinking about if Logan was grown up and travelling, he could be there, which is too horrible to ponder! Which then made me think about all the crazy travels and places we have been to and how much our parents must still worry sometimes...
So in a weirdly roundabout way, this is to all of our parents to say a big thanks for worrying AND supporting us. Especially with another stage of life's travels to begin :)
Phew, that's hopefully my serious post for the year.
And for lighter note to finish, check out the new video on the side bar.