Saturday, May 25, 2013

Walking with style

If you count style, staggering along with at least one "chewing implement" in your hand most times and doing the sidewards wobble walk :) In this case it's his mini super heroes which are one of his favourite things of the moment.

Is crazy how much more he walks every day even as his confidence grows. Went out for a meal last night and think we are just about at that time when its going to be a struggle to get him to sit still for too long, as he just wants to explore everywhere and wave/say-hi to everyone. Just like his Dad, so can't really complain....

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Watch out while gardening, the bear might get you!

After our rain and cooler weather the bushes have taken off on their yearly growing spree, so Logan and I took to the garden to chop them down and tidy things up. And with one of his favourite past times being taking things in and out of boxes/buckets he makes a great helper! Especially as has he has a "waterfall nose" of a cold at the moment, so being outside and busy is a great distraction from that :)

When are you going to do some Dad?
But beware! If you aren't careful and stray off the path into the woods while you're out there, the fuzzy bear might get you....

Thanks Auntie Laura, it still just about fits!

"Passion" Fruit

So after a lot of "passion, dedication and persuasion" Janice's passion fruit plants have finally given us some fruit! They have grown from tiny plants to big creeping plants up the trellis and even some flowers last year on one plant but no fruit, until now.

Yes, it is winter but don't let a simple thing like seasons bother the process :)

Very crafty and hard to see, we only just spotted them
And yes she is happy, not deranged...

Friday, May 10, 2013

The day I turned one

Decided to have a lie in this morning and Dad wasn't up to "accidently" wake me up before he goes to work! So here I am after the usual battle planning to take on the world with my entourage...

Then we went for a fun day out at the Zoo and Mum got a pass for the year, so we can go as often as we like!

I liked seeing the elephants
Look behind us to see the tree kangaroo

And in case you haven't seen the video on the side I'm walking now in random spurts around the house, usually whilst carrying one or two things and trying to fall on my face (which Mum really likes!).

Looking forward to my party tomorrow down at the Yokine Reserve and planning on getting as dirty as I can then jumping all over Dad :)

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

It was a calm day...

Looked at the forecast and was dead calm over the weekend and as I hadn't been diving in a while we decided to head down to Hillarys so I could get a dive in and Janice could take Logan for a play on the beach.

It was a flat calm day when I jumped in off the wall but unfortunately the visibility didn't match the conditions, so I got to practise my navigation skills! Then spent most of the dive nosing under ledges and near the reef as turned out to be a good macro dive afterall :)

A red-lipped morwong chilling out under a ledge

Took the long walk along the wall to jump in right opposite "boy in a boat" reef, instead of doing the longer surface swim instead.

And met up to go for some good sushi afterwards with Logan enjoying his first sushi train experience.