Monday, July 8, 2013

Wandering around Mundaring

Being the best time of the year to go for days wandering around, as its usually a balmy 20 degrees, we decided to take Logan into the hills to explore Mundaring weir and maybe drop in at the local pub.

Its so funny now trying to get somewhere with him with his new found walking ability, as it is very dependant on his mood and how many things distract him on the way, like dancing!

Eventually we made it down to the dam wall where unfortunately you can see just how low the water levels are with another record low rainfall this winter so far, sounds like Perth will need that other desalination plant they are talking about.

Logan was generally in good spirits, but as you can tell from this photo he wasn't feeling his usual chirpy self and little did we know the week of fever, blisters and leaking fluids that was to follow.

I'm just going to sit here for a bit Daddy
But he soldiered on and after wandering most of the way over, was glad of a lift from his old dad on the way back.

So after that tiring and thirsty work we were forced to relax for a while at the local hotel (pub) for some food and good sunday avo live music.