Saturday, May 22, 2010

Nudibranchs are everywhere

Well they are on my dives anyway,  although that may be because I do seem to be a bit obsessed with them lately, especially as I am concentrating on more macro photography and they do make willing models who don't move around too much. Except for this guy who was floating all over the place in the surge, as I was out just on the outside of the reef at Mettams Pool. So I managed to catch him(gently of course) and get him (her?) into a more sheltered spot.

For those of you that haven't read my other ramblings or not had the pleasure of diving, Nudibranchs are fascinating slug-like creatures with the frills being their lungs on the outside (hence the name) that come in all kinds of colours and textures. Typically found more in tropical waters, you can still find a lot of different species (or class, phylum...) in the Perth waters as I've already found more than are listed in the books for this area!

Also, discovered that when you have a weight in your camera housing, you need to fix it down somehow or it can end up right in front of the screen and prevent you from seeing what you are photographing for most of the dive..... Doh! Oh well, you live and learn hey :o)

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