I'm finally an MCP (Microsoft Certified Professional)! What does that mean? you may ask. Well, it means that I have actually got round to doing some microsoft exams, specifically architecting and configuring SharePoint.
Now I know I've been doing this for many years and probably should done the exams a long time ago, but you all know how much I love studying and didn't have any real drivers to do it earlier. It does get registered against me so I have this as a recognised certification, but also importantly is that it goes towards the company maintaining the microsoft gold partner status.
And like most of these things the studying and practise exams were harder than the actual exam, so will have to be a bit more pro-active in the future in doing the new versions of the exams as they are relased.
Am I more proud of my MCP than my MSDT (Master Scuba Diver Trainer) certification....I'll let you decide ;o)
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