Saturday, January 14, 2012

Who would have guessed it? 42 is the Universal answer

Looking at my blog, as one does when one has the memory of a goldfish sometimes (although I've since heard that the 3 second memory story is not actually true) I discovered a fact that I always did assume to be just a story, is in fact undeniably true!

What are you talking about I hear you cry, have you had too much Baileys again, being midnight and just after Christmas (the only official time for buying baileys in my humble opinion). Well No, I've actually just been watching the last episodes in the Terra Nova series which was surprisingly good for a sci-fi program. Hope they make another series.

Anyway, back to the real plot.

As I looked over my list of posts for the last 2 years, being surprised I had been rambling on for that long. I noticed that without any conscious attempt I had in fact written exactly 42 posts for each year....
So it seems that Douglas Adams was right in the famous Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy that the answer to the "the meaning of life, the universe, and everything" is irrefutably 42!

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