But 3 years later had evolved into a bit of a jungle as the plants grew like mad and even when I chopped them back they just grew back quicker and sharper than ever.
And now with Logan in "running man" mode and not having anything but concrete and garden beds around the rest of the garden we decided to create a "grassed area" for him. Real grass would be a struggle as it is a mostly shaded area and of course with Perth climate require a lot of extra watering to stand any chance. So false grass it was or AstroTurf for my Canadian readers.
And happy to report it seemed to be a case of many weeks of planning made the actual execution of the job go better than expected. Had the plate compactor picked up by 8am and Glynn came round to help by 9am, then off to the soils place to pick up a trailer load of "cracker dust", otherwise known as road base or metal dust. Recommended as it sits better than sand and forms a more stable base over the compacted pebbles.
Pebbles compacted and base going on |
To prove I did do some work too |
I then had the fun task of cutting up the last pieces to size, finishing off pinning it down and spreading the layer of sand over it all and pretty happy with the finished job. Not the most expensive grass which I could tell on the edges when trying to get it to fit, but for the area it's in and a practical place to play "jobs a good 'un"!
And Logan has given it some preliminary testing(see side videos) and will be reporting back to me this week with his findings....
Practising for his next rap video |
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